A global advanced development process
In the three regions of the world where SRG Global produces products, employees lead the drive for perfection through our global advanced development process.
製造プロセスを向上させ、次世代の素材やコーティング技術の開発や実現を加速させることで、SRG Globalは、顧客の製品が各地域においてトップに立つことを保証します。
Research and Development Center: Taylor, Michigan, USA
In operation since 2010, this unique state-of-the-art testing facility is exclusively dedicated to research and innovation in product and process. 素材や射出成形、メッキ加工プロセス、製造での次の進歩が、テイラーのSRG Globalチームの課題です。From lab to life, from material to process, they strive to discover and develop the unfound finish, the newest plating technology, and coatings to lead down the road to green.
- 射出成形および成形素材の開発、分析
- 複数の化学オプションおよびサイクル技術能力を試験するための、フルサイズの生産メッキ加工ライン
- フルセットの実験技術能力。化学およびEIT、材料試験、走査電子顕微鏡
A dedicated team and space in Liria supports material innovation with CAD/CAM EDM, CNC, and laser welding. They conduct mold changes and process experimentation through tooling projects, adjustments and development to optimize product launch and reduce project lead time.
- レーザー溶接
- 3Dスキャナ
Team members in Suzhou, China coordinate injection molding, assembly processes, and dimensional conformance to reduce development time while assuring world class execution. They assist material innovations through trial support, tool projects and adjustment, and process innovation with assembly dimensional verification.
- 射出成形
- 寸法開発および解析